Thursday, July 31, 2008

Just In Time ........

Basically this is what is all about my life. Things work just in time. And all the time before I get a work done which is always in time, I spend all my time thinking how will I even finish it....and it happens everytime, tis uncontrolable....
Maybe it is because of my lazy behaviour and I plan everythin gto finish just in time.....
Something intersting happened today......
I had to shift to new house today. I had kept one of my bag at my freind's place already in advance. Other one I had with me in the office. And at around 10 I was expecting a call from the lady who was staying in my studio currently. Buut somehow I forgot this and was busy with some meeting till like 10:30 , but still I took it lightly, and was supposing that I'll get one more call. But as time passed, I was really worrying, as I had planned everything in a perfect manner. I would get the keys by 10, Shift bag from my friend's during Lunch, and go back to Birr to clean the appartment early today. But, already it was 1 pm by my watch, and still no progress. All day I spent in arranging her mobile number, calling her neighbours in office, but all in vain. No success...I was really afraid now, as this weekend is a long weekend ( 3 day weekend ), and if I dont get the keys in time, my friend will be gone to Italy, and my bag is struck inside, and maybe even house lady may have gone and where will I live for three days........
Then suddenly phone rang, she told me that collect the keys in front of the house at 2:30,I suddenly contacted my friend, he didn't had much work, so he agreed to accompany me and give me my bag from his room, and then I have to rush back to station to catch train to Birr at 3.. So all the parts in correct places at the end, but in a hurry...And now it is already 2:13 by my watch and I have to hurry up to go and get the keys and transfer the bag........

0 Jee khol kar likh dijie ..: